Upgrade Openelec 3x To Release 4x

I have been blessed with an exceptional xbmc openelec setup for the past year, which i use in coordination with my Synology NAS to watch movies and series at home. After one year though i decided to upgrade my 3x Openelec version to the latest one. This is a short guide on how to do this, if your unix commands are on average. FYI, the below are based on knowledge found in many forums and troubleshooting pages.

  1. Make sure you download the latest openelec release from the official web site.  Choose Raspberry Pi builds, and then select your the release you like (i selected [Diskimage] OpenELEC Stable – Raspberry Pi ARM Version:4.2.1). Unzip the release and copy the copy KERNEL, KERNEL.md5, SYSTEM and SYSTEM.md5 from the target folder.
  2. Make sure you access openelec from the network using UNC (\\ In order to do so, enable SAMBA from the openelec settings. Copy the copied files from #1 inside to the update folder. (\\\update). In my case i go the error that there was not enough space for the new files to be copied, even though the SD card is a 32Gig SD.  If you did not get any error, then you are done, restart openelec and you are upgraded. If you got the not enough space error though, proceed to next step, to increase the space on the storage of the openelec.
  3. Referenced from here, I opened an ssh connection to my openelec using putty. Pretty simple process if you have not done that before. Use “root” as username, “openelec” as password. Type the following :

Switch to root partition

  1. cd /        

Keep xbmc from restarting

  1. touch /var/lock/xbmc.disabled

Stop XBMC, so we can unmount /storage

  killall -9 xbmc.bin
  umount /storage

If you get an error on the above command that means that the storage cannot be un-mount, because some other process is using it.

Run the below to see what process is using the storage and write down the numbers of them. lets say 871 and 9131

fuser -m /storage

Now kill them!!!, and unmount storage.

kill -9 871 and 9131 && umount /storage

Alternatively you could also use the “top” command to see what these processes are.

Once you have killed all processes that use storage and unmounted it, run the following:

Verify mounts:

parted /dev/mmcblk0

Change to dislpay sectors:

unit s

 Show partitions, make note of starting sector of your partition


remove the partition

rm 2

recreate it using same starting sector number and ending in “-1” to use remaining space:

mkpart primary 258048 -1
quit parted
e2fsck -f /dev/mmcblk0p2
resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2
mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 /storage
df -h
rm /var/lock/xbmc.disabled

Reference Pages:




The importance of sitemap.xml

Google Webmaster Tools Menu
Google Webmaster Tools Menu





A colleague of mine recently announced to me that he and a couple of his friends  hired a software company to develop a web site for them. Curious as i am i visited the web site directly and started searching inside the code to find out which platform they used, if they have social integration, SEO tags etc. It turned out that none of these was present due the fact that it`s just a start up site, and the budget was not enough to cover for all of this. All ok but at least i think they should have added their newly created website to the webmaster tools of Google and Bing.

According to my opinion even if  it is a start up site, you need to use webmaster tools to let Google and Hotmail know that you are already running, and so that they can start indexing the individual web pages you have. For that reason you need to create a sitemap file and place it on the root of the www. I usually name these files sitemap.xml and either create them by hand or by application modules (like in wordpress for example). Keep in mind that google needs to have an xml file as a sitemap and not a php page that would generate xml formatted text, not being able to find a solution to this yet.

Google Webmaster Tools
Google Webmaster Tools
Bing Web Master Tools Menu
Bing Web Master Tools Menu

The benefits are numerous.  You can check your page in terms of structured data, linked pages, coding errors. You also can see different statistics of your web page such as inbound, outbound links as well as search queries. Google additionally also lets you see the indexing status of your submitted sitemaps as well as some keyword preference based on the submitted urls. Finally, on the relative submenu, you are able to monitor the google crawler as it crawls your web site for errors, and also be able to see how Google “reads” your web page, by using the “Fetch as Google” functionality.

Bing webmaster tools provides matching functionality, combining some “analytics” type data though. e.g SEO Analyzer, Link Explorer, Page Traffic etc.

Closing this, I strongly believe that creating a sitemap and adding it to Bing /Google webmaster tools is one of the first actions a webmaster should do, after going public. These are great tools that guarantee you that the big players in search engines can “see” you good.

Google Web Master Tools

Bing Web Master Tools

SEO Must haves that apply to any web page

Update: Yandex also has a Webmaster Tool for their search engine. Check it out