Since a lot of time i use the tortoise svn with visualsvn as my developing repository.
I have it installed locally on the vmware that i use. The repositories are also created locally. At some point i needed a smart way to backup /copy all my repositories from the vmware to the Synology NAS I have sitting at home. I used to sync all the repos through dropbox but took much time and was not fool proof. I ended up installing the SVN sever on the synology NAS. After opening the right ports on ly router everything seemed to work ok, but how do you transfer the repo from the local machine to the nas svn???
First i exported the repositories from the local developing machine:
svnadmin dump E:\Wamp\Repositories\ > E:\Wamp\Repositories\
After creating an empty repository in the synology SVN, i copied the previously generated dump file in the synology SVN folder.

Now the loading…
Login via SSH with root rights on to the SVN and run the following:
svnadmin load /volume1/SVN/ < /volume1/SVN/ --ignore-uuid
where –ignore-uuid : ignore any repos UUID found in the stream